Practice Areas

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Probate and Estate Administration

If you don’t have a will, it can be difficult to find out who your heirs are and where to find them. And once they’re all located, a court‐supervised administration of the estate is often necessary.

Even with a will, there can be complications. The will might be poorly written, ambiguous, or incomplete. It might not cover all your property. Unforeseen changes or contingencies can cause real problems. And family members might be dissatisfied and contest your will – it’s often said that “you never really know someone until you share an inheritance with them.”

A will takes effect through a court process called “probate.” Once that happens, your estate administration might be straightforward, or it might be complicated. Much of that depends on the skill, experience, and legal knowledge of the preparer of the will, and of the legal advisor at the time of probate.

If a person dies without have made a valid will, they are said to have died intestate. In this case it may be necessary for a court to determine the identity of the legal heirs and the manner in which the deceased's estate will be distributed. There are a number of ways to to accomplish this task. One should always consult and experienced lawyer to ascertain the way to proceed in this regard.

Reagan & Hatch LLP helps clients prepare wills and plan for the disposition of their property upon death. We also represent clients

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Contract Dispute and Creditor Representation

Although Reagan & Hatch, LLP has and will represent businesses of all sizes, we are particularly sensitive to the needs and challenges of small businesses., and provide advice as well as pursue claims for and defend against such claims. We assist in business formation and agreements.  We represent clients in commercial debt collection, collateral recovery, and all aspects of contract disputes. We enforce real and personal property liens, and, where appropriate, defend.
Reagan mclain hatch bankruptcy law

Bankruptcy Representation for Creditors

Reagan & Hatch, LLP represents creditors, and in bankruptcy cases, only creditors. Protection of collateral securing debts and the amount a creditor recovers in a bankruptcy case is often a function of the attorney’s experience and the diligence with which he or she attends to a case. The attorneys at Reagan & Hatch, LLP have that experience and have demonstrated such diligence. They have assisted creditors in numerous cases to recover the most money and property possible. Some debts, such as those incurred as a result of fraud and other statutorily defined misconduct, are not
dischargeable in bankruptcy, we pursue claims against on debts.

Reagan & Hatch, LLP maintains a high standard of ethics while getting the best possible results for its clients. The attorneys at Reagan & Hatch, LLP are disciplined and relentless in the pursuit of civil justice for their clients.